Leadership-journey. Do you already dare to lead?
The travail of leaders
Our workplaces are transforming from a top-down management model to a culture of leaders who can influence and impact change in organizations. This shift toward a more inclusive culture that embraces peer-to-peer mentoring and coaching is defining a new global innovation leader organization.
These new generations of diverse leaders have been developing gradually and we are on the golden step of change. The transformation may be started when the millennial generation of high achievers entered the workforce with their rather unique perspective on how to inspire others to take action. Not only the millennials, but the pandemic, and other key drivers have crafted & delivered our new generation of leaders2021. May the most impactful drivers for the new leadership generation are due to a paradigm-shift impacting on efficiency & decision-making capabilities:
Agility, a new mindset triggering ownership in order to speed up decision-making processes. Further, the agile mindset is the willingness to be open and to react quickly to external changes. Open to engage with diverse people to improve any kind of learning process to grow by facing challenges and may difficulties taking on responsibility and action. Flexibility is a no-brainer2021 and goes hand in hand with agility, rather you are flexible or you won´t make it today. Lean- agile organization principles maximize value and eliminate waste of energy and time. Further statistical thinking, to understand the difference between correlation and causation is key. Data-driven decision-making is relying on objective measures and pattern analysis to obtain support for more comprehensive decisions.
The vision of our rising leaders is triggering a multiplier effect of influence and impact to benefit the organization and community. They point the way of reaching the stars, bridging the gaps, and picking up the stones to make the journey more comfortable for those who share the ride. The truth is, business is all about the people that build it and ride the path effectively. We perfectly know that an organization remains on the sidelines when it does not invest in people development and in a better future.
Leadership2021 is not a role or a position it is rather a process of doing & communicating things more effectively with an agile and lean mindset.
Management vs leadership
"Not all managers exercise leadership.....Not all leaders manage," explains Fred Luneberg, author of "Leadership versus management, a key distinction at least in theory". First, we need to clarify, the leaders2021 do not necessarily manage or lead a team. Leadership is not a role or a position it is rather a process of doing & communicating things more effectively with an agile and lean mindset. Luneberg identifies some key differences of management vs leadership:
Leaders focus on people and serve as subordinates- Managers serve as superordinates.
Leadership trusts, develops, and empowers - Management directs, coordinates controls.
Leadership sees the forest - Management sees the trees
Leadership creates change - Management manages change
Leadership creates the future - Management improves the present
Leadership uses influence - Management uses authority
Leadership uses conflict constructively - Management avoids conflict
Leadership sees the forest - Management sees the trees
The leadership-roadmap2021
Arnold van Gennep, a multi-lingual French ethnographer and folklorist defined in his major work Les Rites de Passage (1909; The Rites of Passage), the ceremonies that celebrate an individual’s transition from one status to another within a given society. As I see it, leadership2021 is a transition process of growing up by starting to lead your life and taking on full responsibility and ownership of all challenges presenting you. But watch out, an effective leader2021 uses the traffic light system, leading mindfully and healthy her/his life aware of what she/he wants and does not want on the journey in personal & professional context. Then, leadership2021 is all about communication with Heartset I Mindset I Healthset I inspiring people to follow you impacting together on a better future to be created. No doubt, becoming a leader2021 requires a big, big step out of the comfort zone to free yourself from blocking beliefs that make the journey uncomfortable and difficult. Looking out of the window observing with self-awareness and confidence the trip is not only a source of inspiration but also an opportunity to become stronger and stronger while traveling.
Then, leadership2021 is all about communication with Heartset I Mindset I Healthset I inspiring people to follow you impacting together on a better future to be created.
What drives a global-leader2021?
We need humble, mindful & grown-up leaders2021 who lead from the heart and not from fear. Bill Campbell, coach for google, Steve Jobs etc, mentioned the ability to create a zone of trust lays the flourishing ground for any further action of good leaders2021. But we may identify a combination of interpersonal soft skills and business acumen together with powerful communication skills needed. Additionally, the global leader2021 is a highly skilled English communicator with CQ (cultural intelligence), empathy & a crafted coaching mindset helping people to grow into their best version. Indeed, the leader2021 is aligned with the team aware of the big picture, driving the car safely while enjoying the trip.
In her TED talk The Power of Vulnerability, Dr. Brené Brown, author of 5 No.1 New York Times best-selling books; emphasizes the importance of embracing vulnerability. Most people think of vulnerability as too transparent for business safety, even scared to be honest, authentically communicating their mind or share personal experiences. Why? Because then they feel weak, naked, and powerless. But fact is, there is no real empathy without vulnerability. It is more, vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation, and change. Think about it?
Let us wrap up, powerful leadership2021 is hard work and a life-long transformation process to get an authentic & healthy voice that people inspire. And please watch out, real powerful leadership2021 is a decision-making process of continuous growth transforming your life and those of others by communicating from the bottom of the heart to help people to grow.
Real leadership2021 is hard work and a life-long transformation process to get an authentic & healthy voice that people inspire.